
Showing Tag: "trilogy" (Show all posts)


Posted by jennifer gibson on Tuesday, July 23, 2013,

Book 3 in the trilogy series, Destiny, has only been out for less than a week and I've already had several readers finish it and exclaim "Wow!" and "Loved it!".  Even thought it's geared towards teens and young adults with disabilities, many adult readers have really taken a shine to it.  Numerous people that I didn't think would be interested in it, have followed the series from the very beginning which is absolutely remarkable.  I had no idea that they were so supportive and keen on reading...

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Powerful words

Posted by jennifer gibson on Tuesday, September 25, 2012,
Gah! I've been tagged by a chain letter! I just hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare with dark, looming scenes of giant cursive words and letters chasing me through a misty graveyard as if I'm stuck in a horrendous world from Alice in Wonderland.  *shudders*

All kidding aside, I found this particular chain letter intriguing - it's an exercise that requires me to search for the first word "look" in my current novel, Compass, which is in the official editing stages.  BTW, I actually have four e...
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