
Showing Tag: "crew" (Show all posts)

Thanks Air Canada

Posted by jennifer gibson on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, In : March 2017 

As a seasoned solo traveller, particularly one with a profound hearing loss, I've learned a few tricks to help cope with the anxiety and stress that comes with it. I've had several near misses at airports where I didn't hear the announcements for gate changes and found myself sprinting to the other side via a confusing maze of busy hallways. I always get a cold sweat whenever I approach the lounge area, wondering if I'm in the right boarding area. 

Over the years, along with frequent trips in...
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Harry Potter, books & movies...

Posted by jennifer gibson on Saturday, January 14, 2012,
Just did some "light reading" this morning as I perused through the massively thick volume of Harry Potter Page to Screen: The complete film making journey. Sharp eyed fans will recognize my tongue in cheek humour here (Hint: Hermione said this phrase in the library while doing research on Nicholas Flammel.)  It really is a heavy tome.

It was an astounding read and I'm only halfway through it.  It's filled with fascinating tidbits from the directors and producers,  personal insights from the a...
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