
Showing Tag: " school" (Show all posts)

Walk a mile in my shoes - COVID style

Posted by jennifer gibson on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, In : COVID - March 2020 

Going to the hospital this week for my spinal injections was a nightmare for someone like me with a profound hearing loss during the COVID crisis. Everywhere I looked, everyone was wearing a mask. This is the worst thing to do since I have absolutely no idea what is being said. I rely on lip reading as much as possible and need to see facial expressions. Fortunately, the staff that I deal with on a regular basis know me very well and were very understanding about my situation. They knew I was...

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Finding HOPE

Posted by jennifer gibson on Friday, April 29, 2016, In : April 2016 

This week's theme is finding inspiration and hope. Today I saw a quote from Christopher Reeve that fit the bill perfectly. We live in a busy world and often we find ourselves feeling completely overwhelmed. Sometimes, that leads to neglecting time for ourselves, doing something kind to our heart and soul. We need to learn to set aside quiet moments of self reflection so that we can grow as a person, from the inside out.

It doesn't matter how you do it, whether it's going for a walk, meditatio...
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Powerful words

Posted by jennifer gibson on Tuesday, September 25, 2012,
Gah! I've been tagged by a chain letter! I just hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare with dark, looming scenes of giant cursive words and letters chasing me through a misty graveyard as if I'm stuck in a horrendous world from Alice in Wonderland.  *shudders*

All kidding aside, I found this particular chain letter intriguing - it's an exercise that requires me to search for the first word "look" in my current novel, Compass, which is in the official editing stages.  BTW, I actually have four e...
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Food for thought...

Posted by jennifer gibson on Wednesday, January 11, 2012,
As someone who is severely hard of hearing, I have found that the best form of communication is via email or texting.  It's easy and accessible a part of today's society, everyone does this which is very cool.  Who would've thought that someone like me would be mainstream, become a part of the hip crowd?

Growing up was an isolating experience, particularly since I was the only kid in school with a disability.  At that time, my hearing loss was glaringly obvious.  I wore a body aid which meant...
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